A feedback from an insomnia patient this morning

“Good morning Jun,
I hope you are well today. I am emailing you to let you know how I am feeling following yesterday’s appointment. Following the appointment I felt very relaxed and less stressed. I was able to fall asleep with less difficulty, but woke up twice throughout the night 4hrs and 6hrs after falling asleep. I feel rested, but not well rested. However, I still feel less stressed today and I feel as if things that would normally cause stress or worry for me do not and I am able to let them go easier, which is fantastic!”

This patient had very poor sleep in the past two weeks. Yesterday is his first acupuncture treatment. The points I have chosen are: LI4, Liv3, HT7, YinTang, RN12, RN6, RN10, KD3, KD6.